Following last year’s APTEKINDO’s (Indonesian Technical Vocational Education and Association) theme “Revitalization of Technical and Vocational Education to Face Industrial Revolution 4.0”, the PAPTEKINDO International Conference and Convention 2020 brings up “Strengthening of Technology and Vocational Competency on Industrial Revolution 4.0 Towards Society 5.0” as the main topic of discussion. The main purposes of the conference are (1) to bring together the scientists, engineers, researchers and practitioners, students, and civil society organization representatives in the scientific forum; and (2) to share and to discuss theoretical and practical knowledge about vocational education, innovation in applied science and engineering.
Call for Abstracts
Authors are requested to submit an abstract to the Organizing Committee by 15 May 2020. The abstract must contain the following section: introduction, aim of the study, method, results, conclusion, and keywords. The abstract must have no longer than 200 words.
[IMPORTANT] To submit an abstract, authors must register first (click here). Then they can submit their abstracts by logging in to this site (menu “Submission System” then “Login”). The submitted abstracts will be selected for presentation. The manuscripts (full papers) should be submitted only after the abstracts are accepted. The paper must be submitted at the conference day (25 June 2020). Please go to “Submission System” menu then “Login” to submit the full paper. Selected papers will be published in proceedings (Indexed by Scopus/WoS).
Therefore the author should follow the IOP guide line/template. The papers should be written in English and must be between 4 to 6 pages.
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Editor : Johan Iriawan Akbar
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